I had my one year 'Blogaversary' back in November and completely forgot to celebrate with some Blog Candy, so I decided it was about time!
This past year has been absolutely amazing creatively speaking (personal, not so much lol). I have made so many wonderful lifelong stamping friends, joined some amazing design teams and grown in my stamping art beyond my wildest imagination. My blog took off and became something that I never imagined that it could be. I have had over 220k hits to my blog in the last 14 months. I truly am blessed to be in the company of so many amazing and talented people! I appreciate all of you who come and peek in on my blog daily and leave me so many sweet and flattering comments and also for those of you who email me with questions that I am more than happy to answer.
All you need to do to win this wonderful blog candy is leave a comment on this post! Up for grabs is the new set from Hanna Stamps - Celebration, My Favorite Things Mini of the Month - Be Mine, Opal Liquid Pearls, 5/8" Chocolate and Red Grosgrain Ribbon and a handmade card using Hanna's Domestic Goddess stampset. I will pick a winner randomly on Sunday evening. Good Luck!
ETA** The Moose Are On the Loose over at Hanna Stamps! Kristi has released the newest stamps early - you can get yours here!
ETA** The Moose Are On the Loose over at Hanna Stamps! Kristi has released the newest stamps early - you can get yours here!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 398 Newer› Newest»I love seeing your work, Kendra! It's so clean and fresh. Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win some of your blog candy--it looks so yummy!
Your cards are wonderful. You have such a keen eye for color. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Adorable stamps!! Your blog is always inspiring. I like the colors you use and the fact that so many of your cards have texture.
I just love everything that you create! your blog is the one that gave me the courage to start doing things that I want to do.. just be happy doing cute cards etc.
OMG.. I would love to win this! I LOVE Hanna stamps and don't have any yet.
Happy Blog-iversary! I love seeing your fabulous creations on your blog! You definitely inspire creativity! What fabulous stamps to share! Thanks for being so awesome! :D
You were one of the first stamping/carding blogs I came across, and I always love seeing what you've created. Gotta say...HUGE fan of MFT stamps! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Anniversary! You are one of my fav card bloggers! Thanks for sharing your talent with us! :D
I love peeking in on your blog...your work is so cute! I would love to win some blog candy! Please count me in!
Love your blog and check it out daily. Great blog candy!
I recently found your blog (I emailed you about your amazing bows last week). You have inspired me! I can't wait to see what you make next! Thanks for sharing!
I love reading your blog, you have such great ideas. And I love those Hanna stamps too! Keep up the good work.
Jannette D.
Well, I know why everyone likes your blog...'cuz it is great! The blog candy is great...thanks for the opportunity to win!
Happy Blog-iversary!! Love your blog...LOVE your cards, you very talented!!
Happy Belated Blog a versary! Your blog is a place of daily joy for me and many others! Thank you so much for all you do and inspire w/in us!!! Muah!
~Lana B.~
Happy (belated) blogoversary! I love to stop by to check out what you're up to. Your creations are always amazing!
Congratulations on your wonderful year. Love the Blog candy!!! It is an amazing assortment of goodies. Love your blog, you are very talented.
Denise G.
Oh! pick me! pick me! Happy Blogaversary!
I love all your fresh and fun ideas. Your cards are great! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with all of us. You've also introduced me to HannaStamps and MFT...they have some great stuff...I need to get some!
Kendra, I love coming by to check out your blog... your creations are always wonderful!!!
Love your work! I check your blog every day to see what awesome things you will amaze me with!
I would love to win the Hanna Stamps... Thats one company I have not yet tried!
Congrats on your blog-a-versary!
I would ove the Hanna stamp as I have none yet. Too bad its not a guy tho. I make hubby vacuum, probably why it never gets done-but the dust is bad for my lungs.
I love your work, it always puts a smile on my face. Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy.
It's fun to learn about stamping through your blog! These stamps are adorable!
Congrats on your anniversary and hits! Always happy visiting your blog and seeing your amazing work. 2008 will hopefully be a better year yet!
Thanks Kendra. I am one of your daily "look see's". Love your blog and it inspires me to create "out of the box".
Here's to many more blog-years for you!
Oh goody - I don't have any Hanna's yet! Congrats on a year - great job! I visit every day to see what wonderful inspiration you have to offer. Thanks ~chris
Kendra, thank you for sharing your wonderful creativity with us all! I've really enjoyed your blog over the past year. Keep it up, girl! :-)
Kendra - Great inspiration on your blog....super blog candy! I love the Domestic Goddess, so cute and fun.
Pattie Brown, pattie-cake@cox.net
I bacame a fan of your work last year at the Arlington get together and enjoy your blog. I love your clean and fun style! Congrats on your hits and bloggaversary and thanks for the chance to win some fun treats! Have a great day!
I love your blog an check in often!! Love the babsy shower invites..I Just found out my friend is having a girl and they ahve done the room in a jungle theme...so I just amy be CASEing this to some degree and change it up a bit for a little girl:-)
Kelly S
OMG!! Sure, I'd love the Hanna stamp set but, what I wouldn't give to have one of your creations. That card is one of my favorites of your creations. Thanks for inspiring me everyday!
Wow! What awesome candy!! You know though...I would just love to get a Kendra original. ;0)
Wow! You are so talented! Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks for the great candy offering Kendra...congrats to you!
ooooh, I'd so love to win your blog candy.
Your blog is awesome and I'm inspired everytime I check it (which is daily)
Congrats on the one year - you've done a great job. Keep it up and TFS your wonderful work.
Your cards are SO awesome! I just want to go back and check them out again and again. I would also LOVE to win these stamps. They are definitely "me"!!!
What great blog candy!!!!! I love your blog and visit it regularly. I love all the cards that you share and appreciate the inspiration.
Yaaaa-hoo! Happy Belated Anniversary!
And thank you for the inspiration you've given us - we are the ones that are blessed!
Happy Belated Anniversary!
I only found your blog recently (about a month ago) but I LOVE your work! You are very inspiring! Thank you for sharing! And thanks for the chance at some very yummy blog candy! :)
Congrats for your November anniversary! :) You've gots some fabulous candy to celebrate!!
thank you for the chance to win it on your blog!
Congratulations on passing up one year and what fabulous blog candy! Although I rarely comment, your cards are so cute and I love your blog. Happy stamping!
Love your inspirational work and blog Kendra...thanks!
Linda QLD Australia
Your blog is great inspiration to many! Congrats on the blogaversary!
I absolutely love your blog. You are so gifted. I have to say, I would be so excited just to receive that card. When I saw it on your blog, I have told several people what it said. I just get a kick out of that. I hope you pick me!!! Thanks again - Jen
I just love your blog and get heaps of inspiration from it - thankyou from the bottom of my heart.
Your work is so adorable. I'm from germany and look every day on your blog for inspiration. Congratulations about your Blogaversary!!!
Best regards Susanne
wow great stamps!! Congrats on your blog success!!
It has been such a pleasure to visit in your blog every day. You have such a talent to make gorgeous cards with wonderful stamps!
Congratulations, Kendra!!
Not an entry! Just a well-deserved "Kudos"!!! See you this summer!
Kendra thanks for all the INSPIRATION your blog offers me. Congrats on your one year anniversary. Thanks for chance to win the awesome candy.
Congrats! I love your blog and you always have such cute ideas. Thanks for offering such cute blog candy!
Congrats!!!! Every time I see your post I get so inspired!! Where do you get your inspiration or ideas from?
Linda K
You have one of my favorite blogs. Glad you are posting more regularly now. Would love to win the blog candy. Don't have any Hanna's yet.
I love your work! I had chills reading you say you have grown in your stamping art beyond your wildest imagination.....I know that this same time next year I will be saying the same thing because everyday now I view my fav blogs and I feel like I am learning from some of the best everyday!
Wow, congrats on your belated anniversary. And what a great set to give away! I have been eying it but have not given in yet so would be extremely cool to win, lol. Thanks for all the continued inspiration. Hers to a year that is wonderful creatively as well as personally.
Kendra, I absolutely LOVE your work!!!! I found your blog early last year and check in daily. You have really grown in your art, keep up the good work. Just remember "All things are possible through God." Have a Blessed Day.
I browse your blog everyday...I love your work! You are SO talented. Thank you for sharing your blog candy. :0)
OH my love the blog candy. I just ordered some Hanna and MFT stamps. I hope they are in for the weekend so I can play. Those stamp lines are terrific. You are my style so love checking out your blog.
YAY! Congrats & Thanks for the inspiration!! I am LOVIN the blog candy! How exciting! :)
I look forward to viewing your blog daily, it always inspires me. Thanks for sharing
Love looking at your blog! Super ideas!
Love your blog Kendra! I appreciate you sharing your creations with us. I love seeing what you create for your card orders too! Thanks so much!
Love your work! Send some of that blog luck on me I really need it LOL! Thank you for sharing your talent with us and foir the chance at some COOL blog candy. I hope I win, I hope I win!!!
Congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for sharing such a great blog. Diane loyaz1@wbhsi.net
LOVE the domestic goddess card. I do not have any of the Hannah or MFT stamps, but I do have quite the wish list...too bad my birthdya isn't until October. I love your cards. Thank you for posting them so that all of us can see and be inspired by them.
Happy belated anniversary! What great "candy"! Always love seeing what's new on your blog.
Congrats on your anniversary. I love looking at your creations. Thanks for inspiring those of us that are less creative. Thanks, also, for a chance at some blog candy.
Kendra- Congrats on your anniversary. Your blog is wonderful. It was the first one I ever found and your cards are such an inspiration!
Just love your site and congrats on your anniversary. You are truly inspring. Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful Valentine blog candy - just love Hanna! Hanna stamps get better and better each month. Thanks for all you do!
Bev Hammack
(Rette Mom)
Happy belated blogaversary! What great candy you offer. You should have blogaversaries more often! I know I won't win -- never do -- but I thank you for giving me the opportunity!
Congratulations, Kendra! The blog candy is "above and beyond" as your cards always are. Thanks for continuing to amaze and inspire my stamping creativity. I wish you continued success in the coming year.
Wow! How generous of you. That's a wonderful prize! Thanks for sharing your talent. I love your blog.
Congrats on your hits and your blogaversary. I've enjoyed visiting your blog for a good long time...and by the way, love the new header!
Kendra, you blog is a true inspiration! I check up on your latest creations each day and I'm NEVER disappointed. Your blog is among the best! Thanks so much for sharing.
Jennifer :)
I love your blog. Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas and inspirations!
Kendra: I am one of your readers that check your blog daily...your creations are among the best! Congrats on your blogaversary and thanks for sharing!
Doesn't time fly fast? Congrats on your year of blogging and of giving us fabulous ideas. You are very inspiring and I don't miss a post. Thank you.
Cheryl Sims
I love visiting your blog, it's very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Claudia Chaffee
Wow! Great prize. Happy belated birthday to your blog! thanks for the chance to win.
How exciting! One year!!! And what a wonderful giveaways! I love the look of Hanna stamps! So sassy! Thanks for all the inspiration in the past year and the chance to win! {SMILES}
Congratulations--and thank you for
all the inspiration and sharing
your wonderful talent with us.
Love the blog candy--hope it comes
my way!!
WOW!! 220K in hits! That just goes to show how talented you are...we always come back for more! Congrats!!
looks like a fun prize. Happy Blogaversary!
Happy Blogaversary back in November. Love looking at all your creations. Thanks for offering the great blog candy.
Joanne (tojoco)
oh my gosh too cute . Happy Blogaversary
Your site really is an inspiration - I look forward to it every day! Thanks for inspiring and for the generous blog candy offer!
Wow! Congrats on the blogaversary! :-) You're super talented and I love looking at your blog everyday (and obviously lots of others agree with me ;) Thanks for the chance to win and the generous blog candy!
ooh, I'd so love to win this, I didn't get this Hanna set yet - thanks for the opportunity, your blog rocks
I visit your blog every day... I look forward to seeing what awesome creation you come up with next :) You are such an inspiration!
Kendra, your work is amazing. I look forward to each and every post. Here's to the next amazing year from Kendra!!!
i would love to win this candy you have the greatest blog I love to read it daily
congrat's on your anniversary. Love your blog, I check it often!
Hi Kendra, LOVE your blog! You have amazing talent!
What generous blog candy, thanks for the chance!
God Bless!
Congrats on your Blogaversary!!! I absolutely love your blog and your creations are amazing......you are so very talented! Thanks for the chance at the awesome blog candy! TFS :o)
Cindy Coffman
Thanks for the inspiration. Love the ideas. Congrats on the hits!!
Congrats on being a blog mom for so long! Thanks for the chance to win, I don't own any of the Hannah stamps yet and this one is one I have been looking at for the past couple weeks. :) They are too cute aren't they?
Cute card, and nice blog! Congratulations on your blogaversary.
Congratulations on your anniversary! Your work is amazing and always inspires me to try something new. Keep the great art coming. I can't wait to see what this next year will bring.
Thanks for the chance to win such delicious blog candy. Love your site.
And you deserve all those hits. Your talent is amazing. Awesome blog candy.
ohhh I love your card it is awsome !!! Happy blogaversary !! Congrats !! Thank you for the chance at winning this awsome candy!!!!
It's been fun to lurk at your blog. I've gotten some great ideas here. Congrats on all your success. Thanks for the chance at the blog candy.
I found blogs about a year ago and yours was one of the first I subscribed to. I love all your cards and the wonderful coloring.
You do have a good eye for things.
I look forward to your blog daily.
Your blog gives me so much inspiration! I love how you use so many different layers of color in your cards.
Your work is truley amazing and you are extremely talented I so look forward to each and every new creation. Thanks for the chance at the great blog candy!
Congrats on your Blogaversary. I love the Hanna Stamps. Just in time for Valentine's Day too.
Looking forward to more great projects in the future. Thanks for the inspiration.
Your blog is so great. I get tons on inspiration from it and your great attitude. Thanks for it and the blog candy. -Molly B
Yummy candy! TFS! Happy Belated Bloganniversary! Mine is just coming up in February. :o) Love your cards... get the updates every day...
Love your blog and love your cards! You are a very talented stamper....I hope your personal life picks up soon!
Great blog candy, Kendra! Put my name on the list!!
I check your blog every day & really enjoy it. Thanks for the chance to win some candy!
Love your cards! Hope I win some new stamps.
Kim M - NY
I so enjoy visiting your blog. What a cute card and that is such a great stamp set. Thanks for all the inspiration and congrats on the hits. Great blog candy - thanks for a chance to win it. :)
WOW...nice candy! I love the stamped card showing the stamp. I do not have any stamps from either of these companies yet....the key word.LOL I am a polka dot fan too. Thanks for the inspiration this past year too!
Wow Kendra! Congrats on your anniversary! I LOVE your style of cards! Fantastic blog candy you have up there! Hope that this next year brings you wonderful things and not just in an artistic way. I hope your personal life blooms too! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I am very new to your blog and put it in my favorites list after the first read! I've been getting inspiration from your projects and look forward to seeing what's new as often as possible. Thanks for sharing your creativity!
AWESOME blog candy!! I love it. Congratulations on your anniversary....how exciting!
Cheryl KVD
Kendra, congrats on all your fantastic accomplishments! You are incredibly talented, and I always find inspiration when I visit your blog! I hope your next blogaversary finds you even more successful and happy! :)
Love your work!! What great blog candy. Pick me!! :o)
Congrats on your blogaversary and 220K hits! I love your blog -- you are SO TALENTED!! I hope this next year only gets better for you :-)
Congrats! WOW you know how to celebrate with your readers. I just love your creative style and you are so inspiring to us in blogland. Count me in on this sweet candy.
Thanks for a chance.
Congrats on your blog success. I enjoy visiting your blog reguarly and seeing the great work you do. Thank you for wanting to share your good fortune with others by giving away this great blog candy. I really like that Hanna stamp.
I absolutely love your work, Kendra! You never fail to inspire. Thank you for the opportunity to win some awesome blog candy!!
Congratulations on your success. You are so talented. Your work is WONDERFUL! I just love looking at your blog and checking out all the new cards....the blog candy is great too! Thanks for sharing. GJ
Congrats Kendra!
I love visiting your blog daily - your work is so inspirational & amazing! Keep it up!
Have a great day!
Keep up the great work, Kendra!! Your talent is amazing! Thank you for the chance at such FANTASTIC blog candy!! Will keep my fingers crossed...........
Have a wonderful day!
Happy belated Blogaversary. Your blog is great, I visit it all the time.
Totally cute Blog Candy... I just love everything in it.
Hey Kendra, you can see how popular your blog is just by reading ALL the comments. CONGRATULATIONS, keep up the great job, love your ideas. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne
You've changed your blog again. It gets better and better each time. I love all your work even though I don't always have time to post a comment, I always view the feeds that I receive.
Thanks for the candy opportunity!
I really enjoy your blog! This is great blog candy! I'm crossing my fingers!
Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing all your amazing talent with all of us!!
Congrats, Kendra!! I love your blog & I love your creations! Keep up the amazing work!!
You have a wonderful blog, congratulations.
Congratulations to you Kendra!!!! What great blog candy!!! Sure hope you pick me!!!! (begging!!!!)
I just love your work and it doesn't surprise me ever all the orders you have!
Thanks so much for a change to win such a great package!
Lori M
Happy Blogaversary. Thanks for the chance at this great blog candy.
Hope this year is even better.
Joyce B.
It's no wonder your blog is so popular! You are one talented lady. Congrats on all your accomplishments!
Great blog! Great candy!! I love those funny, cute stamps. Congratulations!!
Wow!!..Great Blog candy!! Love your blog and always look forward to the updates!!
Wow--it looks like I am not the only one who enjoys your blog!
Happy Blog-aversary!!
Thanks for the inspiration!!
I enjoy peeking at your blog everyday. I love your style. You're a wonderful stamper!! I'm probably the only one who doesn't have any Hanna stamps yet. I'd love to win some.
Happy Blog-aversity!!! I love your blog and have become a regular visitor. Thanks for so much wonderful inspiration
I love your blog and check it everyday! I think you do beautiful work and I end up using your ideas as a springoard for my own creations! Thanks for offering this great blog candy.
I love your style! grogeous colors together.... thanks for the chance awesome blog candy!
Congrats on the Anniversary Kendra!!! I stalk your blog all the time, you do amazing work! ;)
I have been wanting to purchase some Hanna stamps so I hope I win this!!! :D
Congratulations on your blogaversary!!! I enjoy reading your blog. Here's to another year!!!
Congrats on your success with your blog. Love it. Thanks for the chance to win. Angelina
Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. Love it!
You are truly a gifted woman. I love your work. Thanks so much for sharing!
Whoa! What an awesome candy! I've loved your cards, they're wonderful and inspire me a lot..
I don't care if I don't win this, just send me one of your handmade cards and it will be worth all the candy..
Congrats on the great success of your blog..
Oh my a lot of comments here, love your blog, your creations are so inspiring, some great candy here, these are two sets that I don't have, can you believe that. Happy Belated Anniversary.
Love your blog..Congrats on the BIG milestone..and I love blog candy!
Congratulations on your anniversary! I am so glad that your blog is such a success. You are truly an inspiration. I just started a blog a month ago. I hope that my blog can take off like yours!!
Congratulations!!!! I just love your stamping style and enjoy your blog so much. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog candy - it has to be one of the coolest, if not THE coolest one I have seen yet. Pick me, pick me! Thanks so much for sharing all your great work!
Hi Kendra!
Your blog was the first one I bookmarked when I started looking at cardmaking blogs! You've provided a ton of inspiration for me since then. . . THANK YOU SO MUCH! Congrats!
Congratulations Kendra! Happy Happy Bloggy anniversary! It's one of my fav's.
Hi Kendra~ congrats , even belated on your blogversary. Love your cards, and it sounds like you have had an awesome year..and yes (YOU TOO)creatively..I love your creations, and this hanna card...is so cute...the chance to win the card..would be enough for me...Have a fantastic weekend. Chris
You are at the top of my list for bloggers. I enjoy your art very much. Thanks for the give away.
Carol Moore
Your work is inspiring to me. You definitely have what it takes to be a designer. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations.
Kendra, Congrats! I love everything about your blog you are such an inspiration. I wish you another successful year of blogging,creating, and inspiring. :)
I subscribe to your blog and the first time I saw this card I immediately loved it. Now your giving it away. Oh my pick me please, pick me :)
Happy Bloggaversary. Congratulations on all your accomplishments throughout this year....I have been there for most of them and got excited with you! this is awesome blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
Love your blog! Congratulations on your 'Blogaversary"!!
Kim Vagasky
I only just discovered this blog about 2 weeks ago, and I immediately knew I had to bookmark it. I have since been checking it daily. You have such a good way with color combinations. Really really talented. Thanks for sharing all your great work (and for offering the blog candy!) :)
I just love all your creations. To get a card you made!!!!!! priceless. Thanks for the Blog Candy!!!!!
I love, love, love your blog. Keep up the good work. What an awesome blog give away. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Thanks for sharing your creations with us!
I check your blog often and love seeing such original designs. Your work is truly amazing and inspirational. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!
Congratulations on teh success of your blog. Keep the creativity coming!
Congrats!Love your work.These hanna stamps are too cute. LoriE.
Congratulations on a successful blogging experience and some totally divine cards.
I love your blog, congrats on your anniversary!
Kim Howard
Congratulations on such a milestone! Glad you had a good year professionally. The personal part will come along too. Your shining personality will carry you through. Thanks for the blog candy contest!
Mary Puskar
Just found your blog, love your creations! Great giveaway and congrats!
Happy (Belated) Blogaversary! You do amazing work!!
Congrats on a great year! You are helping me to have one too! Thanks!
Congratulations on the hits! Love seeing your cards. Love the Hanna stamps, too!
Love your blog. Congrats!!! Thanks, Kathy H.
Great blog candy...I would love to win this!
Great blog - Congrats on a good year.
Melissa F.
A chance to win some Hanna Stamps, hooray! I must be the ONLY person out there who doesn't have any yet! Love your blog, thanks for the candy chance.
Well a Happy Belated Blog Anniversary! I really enjoy your blog and have learned a lot from reading your blog and viewing the great art work you have. I'd love to win as I don't have any Hanna or MFT stamps (yet) If I bought everything I liked I'd be in the poor house so I will try to win some instead.
Happy Bloggaversary! You just got me thinking I probably had one about then to. OOps! I am not nearly as popular as you though! ;) I love your stuff!
Congratulations with your fantastic blog. I really like the inspirational cards you're showing us regularly. Thank you for a chance to win this great blog candy.
Love your blog, and visit every day! Happy 200k hits!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some Hannah and MFT stamps! I don't have any stamps from these companies so it would be fun to see what they're look and play with 'em!
Hugs & thanks for sharing, Deb
Awesome blog candy and congrats on your blogaversary!!! Your blog rocks and I visit often!
Congrats on your blog hits...I really enjoying seeing your creations & I love the card you are giving away!
I keep on looking to your creations. Although I do not have the stamps I can use the layout.
Petra (Netherlands)
Wow your a real popular girl already 190 post I love your creations I've been a fan ever sense I first saw your blog. Keep up the great work.
Congratulations on all your blog hits. I always love your creations.
Congratulations on all your blog hits. I always love your creations.
Congratulations on your blog hits and Happy Blogversarry =)
Love all your creations.
Congrats on you blog anniversary and so many hits.
What a great giveaway and a chance to win it.
Your blog is great and the prize is too. Happy Anniversary back when. Jackie
What wonderful blog candy! I visit your blog on a regular basis. Such creative cards! Very inspirational!
I love visiting your blog each day. Thanks for all the inspiration and congratulations on your 1 year blogaverary. I would love to win this blog candy.
JoAnn B. iluvscrapping@iwon.com
I love all of your artwork and peek daily!! Congrats on all of your success!!
Love your blog candy!! I keep eyeing the Hanna Stamps but haven't bought any yet, mostly because of no money. It would be great to win them tho! Thanks for sharing your inspirations with us!!