Hello to everybody, I have missed posting for all of you and I have missed not being able to stamp the last couple of weeks. I have had a ton of emails wondering if I am okay and if I am still alive. Well let me tell you, just barely. I don't normally talk too much about my personal life on here - mostly just my stamping, but I decided it was about time I tell you a little of what has been going on and to let you know it is just temporary! I got served divorce papers a couple of weeks ago from my husband and that has not been a fun experience. We have been having trouble and have been separated for some time - but it didn't actually seem real until that very moment. It has hit me hard and has been a very difficult time. I am going to attempt to get some of my stuff that I made several weeks ago posted on here (woohoo for a camera to use LOL) by this weekend. I have the day off work tomorrow, it is desperately needed. Thanks for listening to my sob story. :)
Hello to all you girls and an explanation.............
SO SORRY to hear about your personal life. As I have gone through a divorce myself, all I can say is "Time is a great healer" I know it isn't comforting right now and I know everyone is probably saying that to you, BUT it is so true. Think of yourself and your girls right now. I have to say that I have been checking your site everyday, as I always do. It sure is great to hear from you.
Take care, Susan
Kendra..I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers and remember that girlfriends are always here for you so please let me know if you need anything. Hugs Ana
Kendra ~ I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Life sure hands us some horrible stuff sometimes. Cyber hugs to you! Kendra W
Kendra, I have been blog "surfing" for some time now and have yours marked as one of my favorites!! Your work is wonderful! I don't normally leave comments as I don't have a blog and don't know all the people out there who do, but I just thought it important to reach out and say how sorry I am that you are going through this!! As a woman and a busy stay-at-home mom, I know it's important to have people there for you! While I have never been divorced, my marriage has been shaky for some time and this last 4th of July almost marked the end of it. Add to that, being a busy mom of a 4 year old, and twin girls who are 19 months (one who has special needs), financial problems, depression, etc., etc. It's hard to focus and concentrate on anything during difficult times such as these, but know that it will get better and I can tell from all the other bloggers out there that I have seen, you have a lot of women who care about you and you can and should lean on them and your family and friends right now for support to help ease this time! I send you a tremendous amount of support, encouragement and hugs!! Sandie
Kendra, I'm so sorry to hear that. This must be a really difficult time for you. Lots of cyber hugs floating your way today. Take care of yourself through this time. {{{{{Hugs}}}}}}
Im sorry to hear about your troubles Kendra. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was 11 years old so I cant say I know what youre going through but I know what your girls are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time.
I'm really sorry to hear that! I know (at least for me) that when I'm going through a rough time it's hard to feel like making something creative. Just know your faithful readers will still be here, supporting you, no matter how long it takes for you to get back on track. Just take care of yourself and your family!
I'm so sorry to hear about your personal problems. Divorce is never easy, even if you're the one who wants out. I left my ex when I was 20 weeks pregnant with my first child and our divorce was final when he was 13 months old. Hang in there, there will be an end to all of this. Take care of yourself and know that we're thinking of you and you are not alone.
Oh Kendra, I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. Life is just so tough sometimes, ya know? Here's hoping you find some happiness lurking in an unexpected place this week. We miss your posts, but can definitely be patient while you take care of YOU.
-Julee T.
We are all so sorry to hear about what has happened and hope that you know that you can take all the time you need to take care of yourself and your girls.
You are a bright, beautiful and incredibly talented woman and I have no doubt that God has a plan for you. Hang in there and know that your blogging/stamping family is here to listen whenever you need to talk.
Wow ... tough times. I hope that you are able to go through these times knowing that the future is ahead and there's no limits on it! I love your artwork and am more than willing to wait to see more of it!
I'm so sorry you've had such tough times Kendra! I hope things get better for you!
So sorry you are having to go through this. I can imagine it is not a great experience to have to go through. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, Kendra! So sorry for you to have to experience this really hard part of life that sometimes happens. Please know I am thinking of you!
Oh Kendra, I'm so sorry! Prayers going up for your healing & for your girls as well.
I'm so sorry, Kendra... hugs to you!
So sorry you're going through this right now. :-(
As one with past and present challenges in my marriage, I feel for ya babe! Find your center and come back when you can! Lots o' hugs from me to you!
So sorry to hear you are going through this, sending hugs and good thoughts your way.
Oh Kendra, that sucks. I'm so sorry for you. But hang in there girl, you're tough and you're gonna be ok!
You are too talented, smart, sweet, and BEAUTIFUL for someone to treat you badly. I'm sorry you're in this situation. Keep your head held high and know that we are here to support you.
I am so sorry to hear your sad news...be sure to take care of yourself. We are all here to support you through this difficult time!
I too am sorry to hear about your divorce. I know it stings now but you will get through it w/help of family, friends & fellow stampers. Consider yourself HUGGED!
Hey, this is me just a loyal reader of your blog sending tons of hugs your way. Just focus on yourself and your girls right now..
I'm sure there's something good waiting for you at the other end of this situation. HUGS!
I have been watching your blog for a long time now Kendra but have never left a comment on your gorgeous cards before. Sorry to hear about your divorce but I have to agree with all the other comments that say you are too beautiful, clever and talented to be treated badly. It means there's something better for you round the corner! Sending cyber-hugs from Yvonne C
Hi Kendra
I too am sorry to hear you have been have a hard time lately. My DD went through this about 18 months ago so I know how tough it can be for you. Things will get better! {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}
I'm so sorry to hear about what's happening in your life. You know, I just saw an interview with Reese Witherspoone who is going through the same thing, and she talked about not being able to get out of the car in the parking lot of the mall. She had to remind herself that HALF of the people in that mall had felt the exact same thing she felt at that moment, and they got through it. While it's hard right now, please know that you WILL be okay again. You WILL laugh and enjoy life again. Time will pass, and this will, too. Take care.
I am so sorry for you and your children. I will keep all of you in my thoughts. Keep creating --it will be a good distraction for you and will be great for all of us who read your blog to see your beautiful creations. Take care!
It's not a sob story...it's a life-altering event in your life. Reach out and take strength from the support that surrounds you.
Oh Kendra, I am so sorry! I went through this about 6 years ago, and it is painful, but, it will get better with time. Just be you, and be strong for your girls, they are the most important thing in all this. Sending you a great big ((((((((HUG))))))))!
So sorry to hear about your divorce. I hope things start looking up for you in the future. Hang in there! {Cyber hugs}
I am Sorry to hear about your personal problems. I know it doesn't seem it right now but it will get better for you and then you will look back and be amazed at how strong you are. The most important thing right now is your children. Love them and be sure they know its not thier fault. I will keep you and your children in my thoughts and prayers
Sorry to hear this, it must be a very tough time.
Oh Kendra, I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Don't feel bad about not posting -- you just need to take care of yourself. We'll all be here when you're ready! :) Sending hugs your way!
Sorry to hear about all that. I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason. I have missed seeing your wonderful creations.
Oh, Kendra -- I'm so, so sorry you are going through such difficult and painful times. Know that you have lots of friends out here who are sending good thoughts your way. And anytime you need to sob, I'm just a click away! Hugs and healing to you, sweetheart.
So sorry to hear this Kendra. Be strong my dear. This too, shall pass.
big hugs
Having been through a divorce I can tell you that there is life on the other side. A great life! Although I know we all wish everything in life would work out, sometimes no matter how hard we try it just doesn't. It only means that another door is about to open. I'm sorry for these difficult times, things will get better. Never feel as though it's a sob story. Many of us are there for you!
This is not a sob story at all, sorry to hear what your going thru. Stay strong and use your fellow bloggers and family as your support system. **HUGZ**
Kendra, I am so sorry you are having to go through this! Huge hugs to you and you will be in my prayers and you work through all the yuck.
OH Kendra, I'm so sorry to hear that! I have missed you! :) Know that you'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
Hello Kendra, I have had you in my favorites for just about 3 weeks and kept checking in on ya to see some new creations. I wondered what had happened to you, too. I am sure that I speak for your entire blog friends, that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I know you have never heard from me before, but just know, that I have been there and done that (and bought a tshirt and a hat). Divorce is not easy, ever, and only you know how to handle it best, for yourself and your children. So do what you need to do and don't let anyone make you feel guilty for how you are handling it. Keep your chin up as best as you can and please know that this WILL make you a stronger person.
We are all sending positive thoughts your way, HUGE HUGS! nicole
I said it before and I'll say it again... ;D men are so overrated. Best to you and yours.
Oh my, I am so sorry to hear of your news. I was really missing your great art and inspiration but now I totally understand. You need to take care of you and your children for while.
I can imagine what you are going through. I went through a divorce at one point in my life and I can honestly say that divorce is painful no matter what the reasons behind it are. The good news is that time will help. I know everyone says that but it's true ... some days and nights will be harder than others but over time the hurt will lessen and your heart will heal. Truthfully, when I was going through it I asked God for help and it really made a difference.
For now focus on you. Care for your heart and we'll all be here when you're ready. ((((Hugs))))
Oh Kendra! I was excited to see that I had an update from your site until I read your post, my mouth dropped and my heart just wrenched when I read your news. I am so sorry. I had wondered where you had gone to. I missed your blog posts. This can not be an easy time for you or your children. You can unload on us anytime...what are blog friends for? You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.
Be strong and courageous!
BTW...you look wonderful, I love your new picture. Have a peaceful weekend! ~Terri
Kendra, I am so sorry for your news. My prayers are with you at this time.
Kendra, I am so sorry to hear this! Sending big cyber hugs your way!!
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time. Someone once told me when I was almost the end of the rope that... "God, never gives us that we can't handle" and that always stays with me and now passing it to you and your family. HUGS and PRAYERS from my family to yours.
Big Hugs, Kendra!! You take care of you and your girls. :0)
My oh my, Kendra. I'm feeling for you all the way!! Having been there TWICE I know it is so very hard. Take it from me though that THINGS DO GET BETTER AND BETTER. Keep hanging in there and let's just call this a do-over!!
Now I have some instructions for you:
Take your left hand and place it across your chest and rest it on the right side of your back. Now, take your right hand and place it across your chest and rest it on the left side of your back. NOW SQUEEZE!! That's me giving you a BIG HUG!!
Linda (Susie's Mommy)
Obviously you are a well loved blogger. Look at all this support. Well, I say a prayer for you. Take care of yourself and don't worry about your adoring public. we'll be here when you are ready to come back! :)
Oh, Kendra...my heart aches for you! I'm so sorry that you have to go through this! Like everyone else said...you are SO immensly talented and beautiful...and we will all be here when you are ready to post again. Please take care of you and your girls!
(((HUGS))) Kendra! So sorry to hear about your news. I don't have many words to offer, but wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you!
Kendra... so sorry to hear about your personal situation. I hope that things work out well for you. You sisters in stamping are here for you. Even if it is just to listen.
Kendra- many good wishes to you from me too. When I went through this and had tough times, I just kept reminding myself- I'm safe and healthy. Everything else is just a bonus.
So sorry to hear about this, Kendra -- hugs coming your way!
Kendra - thanks for the update and hang in there - we're all thinking of you and wishing you strength to get through this. Big {{{HUGS}}}
Beth (mommy to a busy 4 yr old)
big hugs kendra!!!!!!!!
sob away honey everybody needs somebody to talk to and what better place to get good feed back than the stampin girls of Bologger and SCS!!! I am sending you a big hug lord knows it is hard to start over the thought scares the fire out of me just be brave and tell yourself that you can do this with your dignity in tact!!!
chin up and I will be looking for the posts you promised!!!
So sorry to hear of your troubles Kendra! we're all here for you and pray things will improve soon! :)
Dear Kendra:
I am really sorry to hear that! I am going through a separation myself, we actually signed the separation papers today (North Carolina requires a 1 year separation before a divorce is granted). Even though I also saw it coming, once things are in black and white it hits you ten times harder. I totally feel for you. I hope you have a good support group. I am very lucky that I do. Lots of hugs and thoughts your way.
I know what you are going thru. i went thru this over 10 yrs ago. My ex-husband hit me and was on drugs,plus got mad where glass flew in face, but good I heal quick and it wasn't so bad. I divorced him. I went home to my parents, with the help of my father in law who was on my side. Now I can say this My ex is a good guy it was just the drugs he was on. But Keep strength and look forth to God with all your problems and he will help you as all you need to do is ask he will help. I will pray that he will give you strength and patience you need. But above all, Both you Love your kids and do not fight in front of them as they do see all. :) Kids are really smart. Love to you.
I'm so very sorry, Kendra. :( Hugs!
Kendra, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself and your girls, that is all that matters right now. Let your girls know it isn't there fault, children are the ones that can really be hurt through divorces. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne
Kendra -
Sorry about the divorce papers. I hope it all works out for you and everyone involved.
I also wanted to apologize for not getting the camera sent. Sounds like you found one? If you still need this one I can still send it. I just started a new job 3 weeks ago and have been working 10-12 hour days. But it's still yours if you need it. LMK.
Big Hugs to you Kendra. Having gone through a divorce I understand that it is never easy no matter what the circumstances are. I hope that everything works out for you and I am sure that your readers will understand. All the best thoughts your way and take all of the time that you need. Remember, it needs to be about you right now.
Oh Kendra,
That breaks my heart! I am so sorry to hear about your circumstances. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I have nothing to add to what has been said...
just wanted you to know I'm in your corner too.
Oh Kendra, I am so sorry to hear about your situation... :( I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Hi Kendra,
I have just discovered your blog. So sorry to hear of whats happening at home. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. =C
Your creations are simply divine, and it seems you are blessed with many special ppl in your life too!
Keep stampin' and I will certainly be back!
Kendra- I am so very sorry to hear this. So many of us have been through the same and you are right it is not a "fun experience" to say the least. You are incredibly talented and we'll be waiting for you whenever you are ready to post again! Until then sending you thoughts, hugs and prayers!
Sometimes it's not easy to hear, and you may wonder just how much more you think you can take...but I do truly believe that God NEVER gives us more than we can handle...He knows how truly strong we are. While there are times in life, when things are awful, when we may wonder just how much more can happen???---that is when God is trying to knock on our door and let us know that we have things about ourselves that we never even knew we had...(but He does...)strength, determination, faith, resilience....and when it is all said & done, and are on the other side of a horrible situation, we look back and say "I thought it was gonna kill me....but I made it through, and I now have strengths I never thought I had...". There may be times when we question, times when we doubt, times when we cry and ask 'how much more???'--those are the times when you lean on others & take a little 'break' and let them hold you up for a while. We may have never talked in 'person', but I can see in your eyes that you have a warm, caring heart....you do what you need to do for YOU---and your girls...and we'll be here waiting for you when you're ready to come back to us. Keep your chin up & know that your blogging friends love to see that gorgeous smile of yours---Hugs & love to you!!! Pam B. (4Hounds)
Wow! A lot of people care about you! You must be really loved! You're in my prayers and thoughts! <3~Laura
I'm SO sorry to hear about this, Kendra. I can only imagine how your heart is breaking right now.
please know that you're in my prayers.
And remember.....what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!
My husband died 3 years ago and I never thought I'd live through it but my fellow stampers saved my sanity ...big hug and many prayers headed your way! Doreen
Sorry to hear about your news. Divorce is a terrible thing to go through. I know personally. I went through a divorce about 18 years ago. I thought that my life was over. But good news :) Life does get better. I am now happily married to the most wonderful man in the world!!! I just tell myself that I had to go through my first marriage to learn what I really was looking for in a husband and I have truly found him.
Keep your head up and your spirits high. There is light at the end of the tunnel :)
This is the first time I've been on your blog as this weekend I started surfing stamping sites. I am sorry to hear of your divorce, yet I know God can see you through it.
Although life around you seems tough, you are blessed online. You have 76 people (right now) who care enough about you to post a comment of encouragement.
I am so sorry. What a hard time you must be going through. I will keep you in my prayers. Hang in there. {{{HUGS}}}
Gina K.
Awwww, Kendra. That really is hard news to bear. Lean on your friends and loved ones. Don't try to carry this on your own. (((((hugs)))))
Sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time. Hope things get better for you soon.
Becky G
Oh Kendra! This stinketh like a sippy cup of milk left in the back of the van in 90 degree heat.
I am so sorry! Please let me know if I can do anything for you! I will be here for you!
Love ya babe!
Thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my prayers! We're all here for you!
Oh Kendra, I am sooooo sorry to hear your news, I can totally understand how gutted you must have felt, but as I am sure you have realised by now, if not before, you have hundreds of friends/online friends who are here for you even if you just want to scream!!! lol
Lots of hugs and bottles of wine!!
Alex xx
I'm so sorry you're having to go through this Kendra. Sending {{{hugs}}} and support.