Hello to everybody, I have missed posting for all of you and I have missed not being able to stamp the last couple of weeks. I have had a ton of emails wondering if I am okay and if I am still alive. Well let me tell you, just barely. I don't normally talk too much about my personal life on here - mostly just my stamping, but I decided it was about time I tell you a little of what has been going on and to let you know it is just temporary! I got served divorce papers a couple of weeks ago from my husband and that has not been a fun experience. We have been having trouble and have been separated for some time - but it didn't actually seem real until that very moment. It has hit me hard and has been a very difficult time. I am going to attempt to get some of my stuff that I made several weeks ago posted on here (woohoo for a camera to use LOL) by this weekend. I have the day off work tomorrow, it is desperately needed. Thanks for listening to my sob story. :)
Hello to all you girls and an explanation.............